Supplier management is the process that ensures maximum value is received for the money that an organization pays to its suppliers while supplier lifecycle management is the supplier management process covering the entire supplier lifecycle.
8Manage Supplier Lifecycle Management provides the automated workflows for supplier self-registration, qualification, categorization, onboarding, ongoing management and strategic relationship management.

8Manage Product Catalog defines the goods and services that company employees can order for internal use. It provides information on products offered by suppliers or service providers. The primary elements in a product catalog include product name, internal code, description, hierarchy, categorization, hierarchy, price, inventory and purchase information.
After a product catalog is set up, company employees can create purchase requisitions to order from it. The product catalog can be used to enforce purchasing policies, so that employees can order only the items and services that are allowed for their buying legal entity.

8Manage Purchasing provides Purchase Demand, Purchase Request, Purchase Order and Purchase Contract workflows to support your organization to make necessary purchases of goods and services and to facilitate its continued operation via different purchasing methods such as open market purchasing, purchasing by contract, centralized purchasing, standing offer purchasing and periodical purchasing.
Purchase Demand
8Manage Organization allows you to define the organizational structure and the authorities and responsibilities of each of its units. 8Manage Budget allows you to set and track the budget that each unit in the organizational structure can spend within a certain period of time to procure the goods and services that it needs.
8Manage Purchase Demand allows you to do cross-functional procurement planning to meet customer demand for products while minimizing excess inventory and avoiding supply chain disruptions.
8Manage Purchase Demand allows you to do both direct and indirect material planning.
Purchase Request
8Manage supports both distributed and centralized procurement. Using procurement mode, one department can manage the purchasing of goods and services for the entire enterprise. Centralized procurement is beneficial in finding the best deals with vendors for the corresponding location of the purchasing organization.
8Manage Purchase Request allows you to manage and merge purchase demands and select the best deals via Quick Quote, e-Tender or e-Auction.
Purchase Order
8Manage Purchase Order supports an organization that goes about making necessary purchases of goods and services to facilitate its continued operation. 8Manage Purchase Order workflow includes Type & Rule Settings, Purchase Order Creation, Payment Terms setup, Review & Approval, e-Signing, e-Chopping and e-Sending to Supplier, e-Confirmation from Supplier, Delivery Planning & Confirmation, Acceptance & Return, Invoice Matching, and Invoice Approval & Payment Request.
Purchase Contract
8Manage Purchase Contract is for building legally binding agreements between your organization and its suppliers/contractors in the course of managing a project. These contracts are needed for projects to obtain needed materials, supplies and services.
8Manage Purchase Contract helps the buyer and the seller come to an agreement about the materials, goods and services. This agreement includes meeting the terms and conditions and paying invoices.
8Manage Purchase Contract includes features such as template, review & approval and contractual project management¹.
8Manage Purchase Contract is important because it serves to maximize profits and keep businesses soluble in a competitive marketplace. 8Manage Contract gives both parties the chance to work together with confidence that neither is taking advantage of the other. It also helps the business diversify its resources to work more effectively by outsourcing¹ work to third parties that can do it more cost-effectively.
Note¹: To use outsourcing and contractual project management features will also require the PM license.

8Manage Sourcing process includes every activity that revolves around identifying and assessing potential suppliers as well as selecting and engaging with an appropriate supplier who offers the best value. At the end of the 8Manage Sourcing process, usually a contract is signed or an agreement is reached between the buyer and the supplier on what is to be procured and the terms of contract. Sourcing professionals evaluate the supply market, develop and execute strategy, negotiate terms of contract and finally develop the contractual agreement with the suppliers.
Sourcing professionals, based on the type of goods and services that they intend to acquire, can decide using 8Manage Quick Quote, 8Manage e-Tender or 8Manage e-Auction to achieve their purpose.
Quick Quote
8Manage Quick Quote is an online quotation facility which allows the user to obtain quick quotes online from a selected list of suppliers and you can get everything done within minutes.
8Manage e-Tender provides the highest efficiency, fairness and control in tendering. Control rules can be set up-front and the tender process will strictly follow the rules. Computer and network security is achieved via security token, one-time password, bidirectional communication encryption, role-based access control and audit trail.
8Manage e-Auction plays an important role when it comes to ensuring that you are being quoted the current market price for the goods and services you are procuring and also improve supplier relationships due to increased transparency. Additionally, sourcing goods or services using the 8Manage Auction can generate significant cost savings, thereby adding bottom line value to your overall procurement spend.

8Manage Procurement Mall is a collection of e-Shops which are devoted to internal shopping for an organization. 8Manage Procurement Mall provides e-Catalog, e-Order, internal procurement workflow and supplier & merchandizing management features.
8Manage Procurement Mall is one form of centralized procurement and has the benefits of centralized procurement such as enhancing purchasing power and cost savings, cultivating strong supplier relationships, increasing visibility and control and reducing overhead. But it also allows the freedom for the users to shop around within the internal mall.

8Manage Warehouse & Inventory allows you to efficiently control the movement of materials within the warehouse operations. These operations include the receipt of inward goods, tracking, stacking and inventory movement through the warehouse.
8Manage Warehouse & Inventory allows you to coordinate and control the flow of goods required for your business to operate. 8Manage Warehouse & Inventory provides the features for ordering and reordering of stock, maintaining accurate inventory records, forecasting demand and ensuring sufficient safety stock is available for production or supply.
8Manage Warehouse & Inventory records and tracks goods on a quantity and value basis. Documenting and reporting on the inwards/outwards transfer of goods through the supply chain. It deals with the amount and cost of the stock.

8Manage Logistics provides the workflow which can be used for goods or services to be delivered and accepted as meeting the terms specified in the contract/PO.
8Manage Logistics provides features for delivery planning, delivery note management, bar code management, inspection management, acceptance management, return management and inventory management

The workflow provided by 8Manage Quality Management is used to manage the quality of products and services delivered by suppliers, allowing to quickly query the quality reports of relevant deliveries. 8Manage Quality Management supports quality improvement proposals and claims for substandard products. In light of the improvement suggestions, suppliers can pinpoint the cause of the issue and put forward solutions.

8Manage Settlement provides invoice checking, payment request and payment confirmation features.
8Manage Settlement allows a simple and cost-effective way for a business to investigate its transactions and invoices presented by its suppliers. You can use 8Manage Settlement to examine invoice integrity prior to paying a supplier. 8Manage Settlement provides valuable information on the status of an invoice and signals a warning when receivables are disputed or goods are undelivered.
8Manage Settlement also allows you to pay one or multiple approved invoices to the supplier. After your payment request is approved, your finance department will be notified to issue the payment.

8Manage Fixed Asset provides the following features for you to track and maintain your organization’s fixed assets:
- Asset categorization and identification
- Asset information management
- Asset life cycle management
- Asset depreciation and book value management
- Inventory management

8Manage Supplier Portal can free up your staff for higher value assignments by transferring the time-consuming chores such as responding to supplier’s inquiries on registration, information-update, RFI/REP/RFQ, delivery-planning-and-coordination and invoice-and-payment to a secure, online location where vendors can access answers themselves quickly, conveniently and easily.
8Manage Supplier Portal provides self-registration, self-update, Response-To-Request, Order Confirmation, Order Execution and Settlement features to improve productivity and efficiency for both your staff and your suppliers.

8Manage Multi Group Management supports a parent company to manage both centralized and decentralized procurement together with its subsidiaries. The parent company can choose one of the following roles for its multi-subsidiary procurement management:
- Monitoring
- Rule control and monitoring
- Budget control, rule control and monitoring
- Budget control, rule control and partially centralized procurement
- Budget control, rule control and all centralized procurement

8Manage Supplier Analytics helps enhance your organization’s competitiveness by evaluating, approving and qualifying world-class suppliers who deliver quality, cost, service and continual improvement processes and provide sustainable advantage.
8Manage Supplier Analytics provides you with supplier participation, win/loss, delivery quality and overall rating analytical features to give you the deep insights into your suppliers so that you can perform supplier management in a more effective manner.

8Manage Spend Analytics provides the workflow of analyzing procurement spend to decrease costs, increase efficiency or improve supplier relationships. 8Manage Spend Analytics is the key tool that procurement organizations use to proactively identify savings opportunities, manage risks and optimize their organizations buying power.
8Manage Compliance Analytics provides the workflow of assessing an organization to ensure that it’s operating within the relevant laws and regulations. They analyze a variety of business aspects such as product price deviation, service level agreement (SLA) deviation and cost deviation.
8Manage Demand & Supply Analytics provides the workflow of assessing the availability of suppliers and price trends of products.

8Manage Report Center gives you insights into the current state of the business. Multi-dimensional reports such as data tables and summary tables comprehensively analyze business data, helping enterprises to make efficient decisions. 8Manage Report Center provides different reports of the following categories:
- Expense
- Purchase
- Contract
- Inventory
- Invoice & Payment

8Manage EDMS makes accessing and finding documents easy. Any authorized employee and suppliers can access the files they need remotely. All documents are indexed. You’re just a keyword search away from finding a document.
8Manage EDMS provides version-and-access control, library management, powerful search, form-and-flow and external -sharing features to allow you to manage and share documents with your selected employees and suppliers.

8Manage External Interface enables secure and fast access to multiple external systems with data security, and helps enterprises transmit data easily. 8Manage External Interface provides prebuilt interfaces to a number of commonly used systems and supports API interfaces, data import-and-export interfaces and data synchronization interfaces.