The workflow provided by SRM Quality Management is used to manage the quality of products and services delivered by suppliers, allowing to quickly query the quality reports of relevant deliveries.
SRM Quality Management supports quality improvement proposals and claims for substandard products. In light of the improvement suggestions, suppliers can pinpoint the cause of the issue and put forward solutions.
Quality Report
Quality Report allows users to quickly query the quality reports of the delivered products.
Quality Improvement (QI)
Quality Improvement supports users to find substandard products during the quality control process and propose related suggestions to suppliers. If the QI suggestion is approved internally, it will be sent to the supplier.
Supplier Feedback
After receiving the QI suggestion, suppliers check it and figure out the cause of the issue. Then, suppliers give feedback on the suggestion or provide solutions.
Users can file a claim on the supplier for quality issues based on the purchase order information, and complete the whole claim processing.