Using project management for manufacturing is an operation designed to produce high-end, specialized products. These typically involve a base product to which the customer can add variations. Project-based products are unique to each customer from the ground up and have grown significantly now that the technology is able to support them.
Project-based products are largely targeted at the B2B customer. The types of industries that are project-based include those that manufacture equipment for wind turbines, aerospace and defense, and biotech, as well as contract pharmaceutical developers. These projects tend to be long-term and complex.
Every customer order is a project
Project-based manufacturing is highly flexible, because each project is different and allows a high degree of customization. It is geared to produce unique but similar products. It takes advantage of common manufacturing requirements while allowing for customization into “unique” combinations. Unique orders may be managed like a project. The more components of that order that are common to other unique orders, the more they may be manufactured – taking advantage of manufacturing methodology. Project-based manufacturing is the melding of manufacturing and project management at a level where the most advantage may be gleaned from each to the financial advantage of the company.
Whether your business is Engineer-to-Order, Make-to-Order, Configure-to-Order or Assemble-to-Order, allows you to manage your customer relationship, requirements, contract, bill-of-material (BOM), manufacturing activities, human resources, deliverables and deliveries, quality and service level agreement, payment milestones and settlement as a project for each customer order.
Each project is a unique manufacturing operation
Each project is an operation designed to produce unique but similar products. It is efficient because it takes advantage of common manufacturing requirements while allowing for customization into “unique” combinations. Using , you can:
Digital Manufacturing Project Management
allows you to measure and improve each of your manufacturing projects. Using
, you can: