HKCS Project Management Seminar
A Speaker’s Meeting entitled “A Commonsense Approach to Project Management”, was organized by HKCS on September 7, 2012 evening at the Hong Kong United Center. Mr. Stephen Law, the former CIO of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and currently CEO of Wisage Technology, was invited to speak and share his experience on Project Management. The seminar was well attended by members of HKCS and numerous experts on the subject matter.
Founded in 1970, HKCS is a non-profit institution organized by IT elites who are dedicated to push forward the development of the Hong Kong IT profession. It frequently organizes various IT related professional activities including meetings, panel discussions and seminars. For 40 years, HKCS has played an essential role in the development of Hong Kong IT profession.
As an expert extraordinaire of project management, Mr. Law has over 30 years of IT working experience and held executive level positions at companies including InterWorld, Perot System™, Citibank, DEC, Perkins Elmer, Bell Labs, HKSE before founding Wisage Technology
In this seminar, Mr. Law shared his project management experiences in North American, European and Asian markets. He took the complexity of project management as an entry point and pointed out the common problems experienced. He held vivid discussion with an enthusiastic audience about these problems, and his presentation was well appreciated. Then, Mr. Law differentiated the workings of a project management system based on document managing methodology and one that is based on data managing methodology, emphasizing how the latter approach would bring important results in clear and accurate data and the data connection. He also gave a demo of the new generation project management software - 8thManage PM, developed by his leading research and development team. Mr. Law pointed out that 8thManage PM is a transaction-based project management system with advanced management methodology, inherently empowering data connectivity and data instantaneity. This advanced project management solution has been successfully applied in the industries including IT, Communication, Finance and Manufacturing. Mr. Law’s incisive presentation and 8thManage’s powerful features have aroused the interest of the audience and prompted them to hold deeper discussion with Mr. Law. The two-hour seminar was successfully concluded in impassioned applause.
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