An abundance of models for understanding project complexity have emerged. The challenge for any organization is to operationalize these models within the context of its business to derive value.
On 1 &2 November, Human Systems, which is an international organization dedicated to improving corporate project, program and portfolio management practices through business focused research, organized the 11th Annual Global Workshop. At this Global Workshop, they will focus on understanding the various sources of complexity for projects, the different perspectives on complexity and the potential range of responses at the organizational, governance and project levels. Members and guests of the Human Systems project management benchmarking network will come together for two days in Hong Kong to work together to find solutions from their collective knowledge and experience.
WisategeTechs CEO Stephen was invited to give a talk on the Global Workshop.
For more information, please click:
Download full version (PDF) to enjoy his talk
Download full version (PDF) to enjoy Global Workshop

HKCS Project Management Seminar
Wipro partners with Wisage Technology