How technology affects success ?
Our information efficiency in projects today has been affected by our lack of technology or older technology. The information inefficiency has shaped human behaviors in certain ways and that become part of the environmental factors. The new management technology can effectively improve the information efficiency and make appropriate information available to part or all of the stake holders at the same time.
Modern management technology is expanding the scope of the new project management platforms from planning to both planning and execution. The new project management platforms allow different levels of information transparency to influence peoples behaviors under different situations. Rather than assuming that the future is just like the past and that using data is sufficient to control the future, the new platforms help encourage communications and foster and guide personal involvement. Different levels of information transparency for different situations allow users to deal with unexpected changes and solve unexpected problems.
This presentation will cover the following:
• How human behaviors have been affected by the lack of technology or older technology
• How a modern project management platform can effect information, how information can effect peoples behaviors and how people can effect project success in
a) A huge program
b) A complex project
The presenter will give a live demo to illustrate the above points.

Seminar at Hong Kong Science Park
New Product Launch at Computex Taipei