In the past, due to the limitations of the old management models, enterprises were managed through multiple siloed systems, and managers’ management intelligence was weakened by the delayed, fragmented and fabricated information. However, All-in-one can solve these problems well.
People used to manage enterprises through documents, but documents obtained from the old management systems are delayed with fragmented data. These systems are vulnerable to manipulation and information fabrication. Composed of sub-systems that are capable of working together or individually from the very start with the same database, All-in-one, however, is not subject to siloed messages. The system’s end-to-end real-time business processes benefit all stakeholders (including customers, suppliers, project participants, partners, job seekers, outsourcing personnel). Besides real-time processes and data, its reports can be generated with just one click.
First of all, All-in-one provides end-to-end workflows for clients, partners, employees and suppliers of a company to participate in its supply chain, project portfolio and demand chain activities. Its functionality is encompassing and offered in an integrated manner. This enables companies to achieve a high degree of automation and control.
Secondly, All-in-one includes Distortion Control and Work In Progress (WIP) Management that can protect data integrity and support efficient decisions.
Finally, All-in-one allows the best price-performance for system implementation and maintenance because it was developed based on “One Design, One System (ODOS)”.