2 Biggest Traps in Project Management
Project management can be simple if you know how to avoid the following 2 biggest traps that many project teams fall into:
Project management methodology is project team’s common ways for doing things and therefore it is the thing that the project team must select first and discipline themselves to follow. However, it doesn’t matter the methodology is documented at a high level or in glory details, its effectiveness to the project team is no more than a martial arts book to the martial artists. There are far too many factors involved in the success of a project than what a project management methodology can contribute. Therefore, there is no universally good project management methodology that can make your team a winner.. If you are overly confident on your project management methodology, your team might overlook many important factors that affect the success/failure of your project.
What the Myth of 90% Complete article (https://www.projectmanagement.com/articles/220690/Project-Control--The-Myth-of-90--Complete) describes is the project data integrity problem happens commonly in our project environments. The root cause of the problem is many project management tools were designed without mechanisms such as 4-eye principle and single-copy-of-the-truth built-in for integrity protection and resulted in garbage-in garbage-out project data. If the project team is 100% honest all the time, then garbage-in garbage-out would only cause misunderstandings and extra time and effort for corrections. But human beings aren’t 100% honest all the time, then garbage-in garbage-out can possible generate ripple adverse effects and cause your project to fail.

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