Coronavirus: Working From Home with 8Manage SaaS
We are in the midst of a coronavirus pandemic, and working from home is the new norm. Remote work has been a catchword in the financial papers, but for many it’s never been a reality until now. What will you do when your office is totally shut down, but you’re expected to carry on your work? Working from home isn’t new. Many global companies had transcontinental projects and some of the project team members must work from home in order to have remote teamwork and meetings across time zones that were different from 8 to 16 hours.
For the companies that didn’t have much remote work in the past, there are some enterprise management SaaS tools and practices already in place to ease the transition to a remote working environment. We’ve collected a best all-in-one SaaS tool to keep you connected, in communication and collaborating successfully.
Software as a Service (SaaS) such as 8Manage Full Automation(all-in-one SaaS) provides CRM for your marketing, sales and service teams to do e-Marketing, e-Sales and e-Service directly with your e-Clients, e-Procurement to your requesting and procurement teams to directly conduct e-Sourcing, e-Tender, e-Reverse Auction and e-Contract with your e-Suppliers, PPM to your internal and external project team members to conduct e-Project Management and HCM for the job seekers and your employees for managing e-Recruitment, e-Onboarding, e-Attendance, e-Leave, e-Benefit, e-Payroll and e-Performance, and e-DMS and Office Automation for all your employees, contractors and partners for storing and retrieving documents and managing office workflows. The information and automation that everyone needs is always at their fingertips.
The biggest difference of 8Manage FAS from the other enterprise software of the same class is its real-time integrated data capability. Its technology allows the executives to view the activities and results of their corporation at any level of details at anytime. The zero delay of integrated information with the multi-level drill-down capability enables the executives to predict trends as well as detect performance discrepancy at the earliest possible time.

Why SaaS is growing so fast-8Manage