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How an advanced PMIS can help you ?
Next generation project management information systems (PMIS) are more readily capable of dealing with high complexities and uncertainties than the older project management tools. These new tools are expanding their scope from planning to both planning and execution. The modern PMIS allow different levels of information transparencies to influence peoples behaviors under different situations. Rather than assuming that the future is just like the past and that using data is sufficient to control the future, modern practices encourage communications and foster and guide personal involvement. Different levels of information transparencies for different situations allow users to deal with unexpected changes and solve unexpected problems.
This presentation will cover:
1、The current trends of project management practices and how they affect PMIS.
2、The key models that make PMIS powerful.
3、How an advanced PMIS can effect information transparency, how information transparency can effect human behaviors and how human behaviors can effect project success.
4、How an advanced PMIS can be used to manage the following types of complexities in individual projects:
(a) large amounts of project and product details that require recording, reviewing, approval and tracking;
(b) poorly established accountability for and commitment to the project.
5、How an advanced PMIS can be used to improve the project success rate.
6、How an advanced PMIS can be used to reduce the difficulties of managing complex programs (e.g., large-scale outsourcing).
This presentation will also discuss the difficulties of implementing an advanced PMIS in real-life environments, how to overcome them and how to obtain maximum benefits.
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