Common Sense Approach to Manage Projects
Project management is actually common sense stuff. It is complicated when (a) there is a large amount of project and product details that require recording, reviewing, accepting and tracking, (b) people do not know and pretend that they know, and (c) accountability and commitment are not well established.
Based on his hand-on experience in managing projects in North America, Europe and Asia and his studies, Stephen is going to share with us:
• The weak spots in our management foundation that cause ineffectiveness in understanding and dealing with the problems mentioned above.
• How people can overcome these problems and make themselves more effective project managers and team members.
Stephen will also discuss how to capture and disseminate certain key information that can influence project team behaviors and their abilities to judge what makes sense to do. If we can make project management practices common sense to every project team member, then it is the most effective way to run projects.
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The Essence of Project Management